Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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This section of the Pathway through Religions portal provides administrative information for the project contractual partners and for the European Commission and it is password protected.

Work in progress

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This section allows a constant communication and sharing of information among the project partners as far as the activities for the different intellectual outputs are concerned.

Each project partner upload this section of a three months basis.

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Partners' Institution:
Yasar University
Project's period (from/to):
15 January 2018 - 31 December 2018
Activity concerned:
IO2 - Didactical Map of Religious Sites
Objectives of activities carried out:
This intellectual output is related to the development of an Interactive Didactical Map of Religious Sites: places (e.g. pilgrims’ routes, ghettos, hostel for pilgrims etc.), sites of worship (churches, synagogues, mosques) and/or artistic masterpieces (e.g. paintings, statues etc.) that are significant from a religious point of view and build a consistent set of teaching and learning information to in depth the knowledge of the different religions cohabiting in the local areas.

The activities carried out by YASAR were designed and implemented in line with the aim of IO2. YASAR was responsible for identification and description per partner of 50 religious sites. In total 50 religious sites were identified, described and uploaded to the Portal within the deadline.
Description of activities carried out:
For achieving the aims of the IO2 properly, YASAR:

1- Participated in the 2nd Partners’ Meeting in Cambridge.
2- Identified 50 religious sites
3- Prepared descriptions for 50 religious site within the framework of the template provided.
4- Reviewed and revised the descriptions of the religious sites
5- Uploaded the 50 religious sites documents to the Portal.
Results Achieved:
YASAR achieved to:

1- Produce 50 descriptions for religious sites within the framework of the template provided.
2- Strived to complete tasks in accordance with the timetable set by the Partnership.
3- Contributed to increasing the quality of the IO2.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.