Lifelong Learning Programme

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London Inter Faith Centre

London Inter Faith Centre

London Inter Faith Centre 125 Salisbury Road London NW6 6RG

RELIGIONS Judaism, Catholic, Protestant, Islam, Orthodox, Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism, New age, Paganism


London Inter Faith Centre is a Christian centre which seeks to engage with the reality of individuals and communities “Living Together in a Multi Faith Society”. Their motto is “True to self and open to others”. They aim, by means of talks and courses, the study of scripture, a well-stocked library and a website, to resource Christians and others who encounter people of different faiths in their places of work and in their places of abode. They endeavour to respond to some of the challenges thrown up by our multi faith society through silent prayer and meditation, through meeting with individuals and communities from different faith (and ideological) backgrounds, and through the sharing of stories. They work side by side with other faith communities in tackling some of the social issues of our day.
Opened in 1998, London Inter Faith Centre is a shared project of two church communities, the Church of England Parish Church of St Anne’s, Brondesbury and St Andrew’s United Reformed Church, West Kilburn.
London Inter Faith Centre seeks to build links between schools of faith and non-faith backgrounds. It has built links with local primary schools and in November 2015, during National Inter Faith Week, it organised a children’s literature conference involving four primary schools, from Muslim, Christian and non-faith backgrounds.
Antony Lishak, children’s author, and Jumana Moon, storyteller, presented workshops for more than 200 Year 3 children. In the same week a London Faith Schools Senior schools conference was held at Al Khoie Community Centre, with students present from a range of world faiths including Jewish, Muslim, Christian and Hindu. Its theme was “Recognising the Stranger; Faith and the Outsider”.
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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.