Lifelong Learning Programme

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Fondazione SINDERESI

Fondazione SINDERESI

Lecco via don Luigi Monza n. 8

RELIGIONS Judaism, Catholic, Protestant, Islam, Orthodox, Hinduism, Sikhism


Fondazione Sinderesi is a non-profit organization that works exclusively with youth. Ai.Bi. Associazione Amici dei Bambini (Children’s Friends Association) is a volunteer association authorized to manage international adoptions that has fought for children’s rights for over 30 years.

The volunteer project begins with a first training period on the community’s projects and organization, with a special focus on managing immigrants and asylum seekers. Volunteers will divide their time between two locations: the Family House, that hosts mothers and young children, and La Tenda di Abramo, that hosts up to twenty asylum seekers.

At the Family House volunteers will teach Italian language and develop recreational activities for children while providing day-to-day care of the association’s facilities. At La Tenda di Abramo, volunteers will support staff in managing asylum requests, providing linguistic education, managing facilities and planning activities for adults and children.
Started in 2015 as a realization of a path of more than ten years of youth training in the territories of Rome and Milan by Monsignor Sangalli, the Foundation aims to "train the people of tomorrow".
"Sinderesi" must be understood as "evaluation capability".
It is in fact stimulating young people to develop the ability to elaborate their own judgment on reality, mature and competent, that the Foundation aims to train men and women not to be “superficial", able, on the contrary, to consciously live their lives taking care of their conscience and assuming their own personal vocation in the world around them, practicing and promoting concrete and demanding moral paths.
Ideally supported by the spiritual journey of the Oikìa Community of Rome which, in the space of a decade, has accompanied - with activities and publications - many people on an itinerary of personal introspection and maturation inspired by the so-called "Golden Rule" (i.e. : " Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"), the Foundation undertakes to operate according to three guidelines, fostering training:

1. to active citizenship
2. to interreligious and intercultural dialogue
3. at the service to those who need it most

In a social, cultural and religious context that has changed profoundly in recent decades and requires new and unprecedented paths to act wisely and effectively, it seems essential that the future of our society passes through a serious education in "relationship care" conceived as personal discipline to the empathic openness towards the "other", to be perceived not as a threat, but as a resource to build together, with deep mutual respect, the paths of a Humanity called to the mutual encounter, to the knowledge and cohabitation between cultures, traditions, religions and ways of life which were geographically distant and are still mostly mutually hostile.
The Foundation takes inspiration from the Christian social thought and above all from the principles and learnings of the Social Doctrine of the Church, in the light of which it engages in scientific activities of study and research on the questions posed by contemporary society. These activities, characterized by a strong interdisciplinary sensitivity, include a work of accurate theoretical analysis that does not exclude the practical and responsible dimension of charity.
Attentive to reality in its complexity, the Foundation is in constant dialogue with the traditions, cultures and religions that together make up the precious plurality of Italian society. It works by its nature as a link between institutions, politics, administrations and the scientific, cultural and religious world, fostering inter-generational dialogue.
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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.