Lifelong Learning Programme

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Homepage > Training Course > Ceremonies

Description and comparative analysis of the ceremonies of different religions and confessions


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6.1.1. Christenings and Baptism
Infant baptism is considered to be a part of Christening. Christening is a ritual by which a newly born is said to be “introduced” or “brought” to Jesus Christ. In christening, though the child is named from before, the church has to announce the name of the child to make it known that the child is named so. Christening is also a means by which a church blesses the child. This is done so that the child is blessed by God throughout his life. Though christening is believed to be a ritual by which the child accepts the faith, this is not so. According to Christianity, it is up to the child to choose its faith and no church has the authority to forcibly make a child choose their faith.

Godparents are among the most important people at a christening, who make big promises to en-courage their godchild to grow in faith and commit to helping them understand how to live their life in a Christian way.

Alongside the godchild’s parents, they role includes;
  • Giving time to the godchild to talk to about the bigger questions of life – questions about hope, faith and love.
  • Model and encourage them to develop Christian values – being kind and compassionate towards others, being generous towards others in need with time or money and standing against things in the world that cause injustice and suffering.
  • Pray for the godchild through the ups and downs of their life and their faith journey.
  • Show them practically how to make good choices in life, for themselves and for others. This might mean talking to them about how to stay healthy, how to resist temptations that can harm us and other people, how to care for God’s amazing world and how to handle peer pressure as they grow older.
  • Help them to learn more about the Christian faith, through their church and in other ways. Going to church with them, talking about what the Bible shows us and helping them learn how to pray are all brilliant ways to support your godchild.

A christening is an important event to Christian parents as it introduces a young baby to the church.


Christening – A video of a traditional Church of England Christening.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.