Partners' Institution:
Project's period (from/to):
01 September 2017 - 31 August 2019
Activity concerned:
IO3 - Training Course on Religious Traditions

Objectives of activities carried out:
The project general aim is to foster the role of school education for the enhancement of social inclusion, through a peer to peer transnational knowledge sharing experience for a mutual understanding of religious habits and beliefs and through a critical analysis of the role played by the main monotheistic religions in history of mankind.

The aim of this Intellectual Output is to produce an on-line training course on Religious traditions for the sharing of religious traditions in order to promote, through mutual understanding, a better integration among students with different religious beliefs and backgrounds within their classes. The collection should outline the everyday life traditions and habits linked to the different religions and confessions, addressing issues as ceremonies (e.g. Mass, Shabbat, Salat etc.), celebrations (e.g. Christmas, Hannukah, Muharran etc.), dietary rules (Kosher food, Halal food, Ramadan etc.).

Description of activities carried out:
Pixel produced a detailed calendar of activities in order to identify the different partners' roles, deadlines and responsibilities.

Pixel, together with CIPAT, also defined the following templates:
Template: IO3.A –Table of contents
Template: IO3.B – Guidelines to create the online course

The templates have been presented, discussed and approved during the third partners meeting.

Results Achieved:
The training course is completed and available on line.