Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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This section of the Pathway through Religions portal provides administrative information for the project contractual partners and for the European Commission and it is password protected.

Work in progress

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This section allows a constant communication and sharing of information among the project partners as far as the activities for the different intellectual outputs are concerned.

Each project partner upload this section of a three months basis.

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Partners' Institution:
C.I.P.A.T. - Consorzio Istituti Professionali Associati Toscani
Project's period (from/to):
01 September 2017 - 31 August 2019
Activity concerned:
PM - Project Management
Objectives of activities carried out:
Drafting contracts and transferring funds to partners
Participation in Partners meetings
Seletion and involvement schools
Coordination activity for IO1 - IO2 - IO3 production
Description of activities carried out:
Drafting contracts and transferring funds to partners
Partecipation in partners meetings - first meeting in florence
School information
Brochures production
Working Group Constitution
Search for associated partners
Identification of schools
Information and dissemination activities
Relationships with partners
Participation in the Acqui Terme meeting and preparation for the Cambridge meeting
Preparation course program in Florence, to be presented in Cambridge
Participation in the forum and final drafting IO1
IO2 activity preparation and production of examples for the Cambridge meeting
Participation in the Cambridge meeting
Identification and description of 51 religious sites
Paris meeting preparation and IO3 guidelines production
Report production and dissemination (in March 2019 disseminations carried out n.19)
Production of the chapter on Eastern Catholicism and coordination of the production of the other chapters IO3.
Production of the introduction to the course on religious traditions.
Production together with Pixel of the various formats.
Video production with students
Preparation of documents for the Final conference in Prato -30 th may- (organized by USR) and for last transnational meeting in Prato 31th may
Preparation of evaluation and distribution questionnaires to the evaluating Teachers. The number of Teachers involved has been reached , and all the documents are now ready.
Results Achieved:
Selection and involvement schools
Dissemination of brochures
Production of the 1st chapter IO1
Acquisition of 4 associated partners with links
Acquisition of 5 schools, 15 teachers and 100 students
Participation in the forum and final drafting IO1
Production of 10 dissemination activities
Production teachers guide (IO1)
Production 51 religious sites (IO2)
Activities with classes in partner schools
IO3 production and coordination.
Evaluation ( questionnaires) for Teachers
Final conference ( presentation and organization ) -Final meeting

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.