Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Associated Partners

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Associated Partners

As a result of the exploitation activity a number of associated partners officially joined the project in order to contribute to the improvement of the project impact on their target groups and to ensure the project sustainability by continuing using the project deliverables in the next years.

The associate partners of the Pathway through Religions project are organizations interested in promoting the awareness of human rights at school.  All associated partners share the project objectives and are willing to contribute to their achievement.

Institutions and organisations interested in becoming associated partners of the Pathway through Religions project can contact the national coordinators of the project.

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Istanbul Governorship Foreign Relations and the EU Coordination Centre
Governmental Organization
Bankalar Cad. Ergüvan Sok. No:5 Karaköy Beyoğlu
Abdullah Murat Uğur
03.03.2005 and numbered 2017; the establishment of Foreign Relations and the EU Coordination Center, to run on the basis of cooperation, communication and coordination was approved and it was put into effect throughout Istanbul.
It made out the following three points;
• To establish the necessary infrastructure,
• To prepare the City’s citizens for the EU citizenship,
• To make sure the citizens understand the process and implementations demanded by the EU, which are binding for all EU member states.
The governance concept to be implemented through the accession process is seen as a social transformation Project. The require for the involvement of local authorities, NGOs, public organizations and institutions. It will seek the cooperation of the private sector and individual citizens. By this manner and method, Istanbul will have taken the required initiative in creating a viable structure understood by all.
Main objectives
To be in constant communication and information exchange with the EU organs and to investigate the ways and methods to gain maximum benefits from the positive developments during the candidacy period.
To give directions to the present and commencing work agenda concerning the EU by identifying priorities for Istanbul.
To set up a Documentation Center covering the EU organizational and operational matters in order to provide information which would be beneficial to public organizations, NGOs, Universities, media, private sector and citizens.
To establish direct cooperation and coordination with the Prime Ministry, the EU General Secretariat the EU Commission for Delegation for Turkey and Ministry of the Interior’s Foreign Relations and the EU Coordination Department.
To develop and build capacity at the Governor’s Office’s main and affiliated units in order to embrace and adapt Union’s acquis.
To prepare Istanbul for the EU membership institutionally, management-wise and financially.
To lead by the leadership of the Governor’s Office to share and to deliver knowledge and experience of the recently joined EU members to all private, public organizations and institutions and NGO’s in Istanbul.
During the period of the accession to EU, to join activities and to deliver opinion in many activities at national level, at discussion platforms and knowledge sharing environments
To constitute a solidarity platform particular to Istanbul as to encourage information exchange and cooperation among similar and related organizations in Turkey and EU countries.
To convince and to acknowledge public opinion regarding the EU membership and benefits of becoming EU citizens, which will be led by the Governor’s Office.
To take part in various EU programs and Projects and to initiate fund transfer from existing funds and support programs by preparing new and original Projects.
To monitor, assess and establish necessary coordination over the existing public organizations and institutions within the frame of their confirmatory/adjustment work to the EU acquis.
In order to do concurrent similar work as the Department of Foreign Relations and EU Coordination which is the main unit of the Ministry of Interior- Foreign Relations and EU Coordination Centre in our city will be set up
Istanbul Governorship EU Office will disseminate project outputs and results amongst its members and will take part in the local dissemination events. Governorship of Istanbul will disseminate in Turkey and internationally with its networks such as consulates, representative of foreign institutions’ contact points and existing EU partners. Governorship of Istanbul is responsible for youth centers; the authorities for youth institutions in the area of Istanbul which has 17 million inhabitants. Governorship of Istanbul has close contacts with municipal bodies not only related to youth centers, universities but to policy making in wider strategic areas including employment and development. Governorship of Istanbul has close contacts with administrative authorities at the national level in Turkey. The organization has developed a number of initiatives for enhancing adult education in the area through which it has established strong working relationships with industry, academia, and policy makers
• Chambers of Commerce
• Youth centers
• Chambers of commodity exchanges
• District Governors, General Secretaries of Special Provincial Administration, General Secretaries or Deputy Mayor of the Metropolitan Municipality of Istanbul
• Non-government organizations
• Media
• Internet publications
In this view, GOI will be the responsible for the dissemination activities.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.