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Accademia di Studi Interreligiosi

Accademia di Studi Interreligiosi

Via Giuseppe Meda, 7 - Milano - 20136

RELIGIONS Judaism, Catholic, Islam


The I.S.A. Academy (Interreligious Studies Academy) was founded in 2007 in Milan by twelve founding members with the aim of promoting initiatives of intellectual, educational and pedagogical nature, useful for a deeper knowledge of religions, especially Judaism, Christianity and Islam.nA group of teachers, educators and cultural mediators with a long time experience in intercultural and interreligious dialogue, works in order to provide suitable educational responses to the complexity of European society. Pedagogical-didactic experiences, achieved in school and out-of-school teaching, are flanked by doctrinal knowledge and cross skills useful for defining and describing religious issues in areas such as economy, work, health, art, integration .
The I.S.A. Academy has been a member of the Anna Lindh network since 2008. The network brings together over 4,000 non-profit associations from 43 countries in the Euro-Mediterranean basin. It is registered in the UNAR register of bodies carrying out activities in the field of the fight against discrimination. In 2011 it helped launch the St. Augustine International Prize for interreligious dialogue in the Mediterranean. Since 2012, the I.S.A. Academy has been included in the scientific committee of the Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana of Milan (Milan Ambrosiana Library) for the cycle of public meetings called "Readings of New Classics for the III Millennium. Faith, Logos, Ethos ". In Turin it collaborates with the Dar al-Hikma Italo-Arab Cultural Center for the realization of cultural itineraries named "The Thursdays of the Islamic Wisdom". Since 2016, the I.S.A Academy has been collaborating in a training course for religious teachers at the Institute of Religious Sciences in Milan.
The activities of the I.S.A. (Interreligious Studies Academy) are aimed at all those who believe that dialogue is a fundamental quality of relationships between men, a privileged way to solve conflicts and to know the different civilizations. Interreligious dialogue can become an interdisciplinary cultural resource, useful both to scholars and to those working in the labor market and the third sector, who can find suitable proposals for specific needs.nThe teaching of religions is addressed with attention to religious principles, sacred art and the Scriptures, as well as to current topics such as:n• Peace educationn• Conflict preventionn• Counter-action against ideologies, racism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobian• Values of citizenship and integrationn• Multicultural and multi-religious education
Within the Academy of Interreligious Studies there are scholars and personalities belonging to different religious traditions, and the Academy collaborates with Jewish, Islamic and Christian institutions.
The Academy offers training courses, lectures, seminars, through the production of printed and multimedia materials, the promotion of artistic and cultural events and research projects in collaboration with Italian universities, schools, public health system and local and national institutions.


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    This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.