Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Interreligious Students’ Competences

Homepage > Teachers’ Guide > Interreligious Students’ Competences

How to didactically promote among students of different confessions, the capacity of a critical analysis and understanding of the role played by religions in the history of mankind

Building Students’ Interreligious Competences in Communication
and Adaptation in a Cross-Cultural Environment

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3. Religion as a Source of Inclusion and Peace
This section intends to offer a series of activities and teaching tips to help students understand the value and importance of religious dialogue, deepening knowledge of some current issues in a comparative manner.

The aim is to suggest a form of education and a culture of respect for the others through mutual knowledge. It is not possible to respect those who we do not know, it is not possible to share a part of the human journey in search of its meaning, if one does not nourish the desire to learn what burns in the heart of the other, what makes him/her suffer or rejoice, convictions so vital for him/her to lead him/her to give his/her life for them.

After introducing the importance of interreligious dialogue in contemporary society, discussion will be focused on what the various religions have in common, and also what distinguishes them, finally suggesting a series of current issues that call them into question. Starting from topics such as the role of women, the protection of the environment, the value of solidarity and the pursuit of happiness, a comparison between the answers offered by the various religious traditions should be fostered. The steps to be followed, thus giving appropriate examples related to the age of the students, should be:
  • To promote the knowledge of the different answers given by religions on the subjects dealt with
  • To analyze the answers with critical skills, without stopping at first impressions
  • To evaluate the contribution of religious traditions to the development of human civilization
  • To grasp the meaning and value of religious facts altogether.
Online Resources
Practical Activity
  • A resource for peaceAfter a preparation phase, with the viewing of documentaries that report experiences of interreligious dialogue, the activity develops through a guided discussion among the students, who discuss, through an open debate, some selected themes.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.